our services


For Small Businesses

Where you exist can be just as important as what you do. When building your business, your neighbourhood and connection to your community can have a significant impact on your success, and how much you are capable of accomplishing. Urban East can help you understand the real estate component of your business, including how to leverage your neighbourhood and make proper decisions about a real estate investment. Using real estate to your business' advantage can make a significant difference to your bottom line. Additionally, Urban East is prepared to help you strategically review your operations and implement positive change. 

For Networkers

Businesses operate in ecosystems, not in bubbles. Identifying community partners, new clients, and likeminded business owners can be one of the easiest ways to grow the bottom line. What’s more, opportunity may exist in your present ecosystem that you didn’t even consider. New and exciting ways to do business are presenting themselves every day, and as Atlantic Canada grows, our strength is in our connections. Additionally, Urban East would love to learn about opportunities to attend or speak at relevant events, participate in fundraising initiatives, or utilize our connections and resources or help grow an innovative idea. Our network is extensive, and we would love to add you to it. Please do not hesitate to connect for a coffee, we’d love to learn about what you do.


For Real Estate Developers

With extensive development experience, Urban East can manage your project and the associated stakeholders from municipal approval through to final sales or property management. Urban East not only understands the real estate development process, but also the urban planning concepts that can increase your development’s value while also turning your project into a major talking point in your neighbourhood.

Better developments create better places, and Urban East strongly believes that the built environment of a place is crucial in determining how that place will support businesses and residents. Proper planning not only results in increased value for developers, but also creates a more valuable urban fabric for residents.

For Public Engagers

With a vast network of active Atlantic Canadian companies, and a polished understanding of the stakeholder engagement process, Urban East can assist your project in engaging with the public and communicating a vision. Whether you need to build public good will, or implement a plan for social media impact, Urban East can help connect you with movers and shakers, and oversee the execution of your mission.